Revised COVID-19 Protocol and Notification Process

We want to make you aware of two specific updates to our TAC Covid-19 Protocol– effective February 3, 2021 – which were made based on the review of two medical doctors who regularly provide us with their advice and consultation.

First, the length of the required period of quarantine for a person who tests positive – OR who has close contact with a positive person – is now 10 days (instead of 14). The specific dates for the quarantine period are based on several factors and outlined in the Protocol itself. If quarantine is required, you will get that information from Elisa Bowie who conducts our contact tracing. This change is supported by our medical advisors and consistent with protocols currently being used by other athletic teams/facilities both amateur and professional.

Second, we have added a requirement that a person who has close contact with a positive person MUST be tested and report the results of the test to TAC. Previously, quarantine alone could clear a person with contact to return. Now we are also requiring a negative test (see specific time parameters for testing in Protocol). The increased access to free testing has made it easier for members of our community and their families to be tested, and this provides an additional level of protection against possible spread within our facility. It also assists with accurate record-keeping within our tracing process.

Third, we have also changed our notification process following a COVID-positive test for anyone who has been in our facility. All TAC patrons will be notified when someone who has been in our facility tests positive, along with the last date on which the person was in our facility. Those who are identified by the tracing process will be contacted directly by TAC staff. If you believe you have any reason for concern based on the notification itself, you are always welcome to reach Elisa Bowie directly, to provide information that may be relevant to our tracing process.

We encourage all members of our community to continue to share information in a timely way so that our protocol can be followed closely. As always we welcome your questions and you may contact Kevin Chignell directly.

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