TAC is Now a Tivity Health Silver Sneakers Network Provider Location

The Triangle Aquatic Center is proud to announce our new partnership with Tivity Health’s Silver Sneaker Program.  TAC is now a Network Provider Location for Silver Sneaker Aquatic, Fitness and Recreational activities.

Beginning in September, TAC will expand our class offerings of Aqua Fitness to accommodate the our new Silver Sneaker participants each weekday morning. We are excited to announce that in addition to Aqua Fitness, we will begin Aqua Zumba classes as well.  We will also be offering regular Zumba weekday classes and Silver Sneaker Classic classes.  We have plans to expand and offer Yoga and Silver Sneakers Circuit Training later this year.

To kick things off, the Center will host two events in September.  On September 12th from 9am-12pm Aetna will host a Health Fair featuring free flu shots.  The Silver Sneakers Program will host it’s Kickoff event, September 18th from 9am-12pm.

More information about the Silver Sneaker Program at TAC will be available soon, as well as our new Program offerings and schedules.

Welcome Silver Sneakers Members!!

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